3 x 500 mg x 120 capsules (360 capsules)
Buy 3 boxes of VitanaX PX4/S and save BIG!
The essential boost to the Immune system.
- Grifola frondosa
- Hericium species
- Ganoderma lucidum
- Agaricus blazei Murill
Average dosage: 3x2 capsule daily
Begin with 2x1 capsule daily, then after every 4-5 days increase intake according to the following amounts: to 3x1 capsule, 2x2, 3x2
If necessary, increase intake to no more than 3x3 capsules a day (always start with a lower dose and increase intake gradually).
The Vitanax PX-4/S health food supplement's main ingredients are composed of four special mushroom polysaccharide extracts that some research suggests to activate the immune system and to inhibit tumor growth. It may help reduce some of the harmful side effects of chemotherapy.
The acive agents in Vitanax PX-4/S contain the active agents of the Vitanax powder in concentrated extract form. In laboratory, animal, and clinical tests, these agents have proved to be effective in strengthening the immune system and improving quality of life. Furthermore, clinical tests conducted in Japan have shown that it's components may boost the effects of traditional therapies! It is a dietary supplement containing polysaccharides.
Max-Immun Ltd. was formed in Europe after 20 years of successful research by Prof. Dr. Jozsef Fachet who has worked in cancer research and also is a world-renowned immunologist. The company was founded by Gabor Varga who is an economist and declared the company's goal to be aiding people with weakened immune systems, due to cancer or other ailments, and researching more products to improve the chances of survival and the living conditions of patients with immune deficiency. These new
products should serve as complements to other treatments. |