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VITANAX PX4/S Capsules 2Pack
VITANAX PX4/S Capsules 2Pack
EU €88.44
EU €86.87
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IN VITRO Crotalgin Forte Cream
EU €15.91

50g (1.76 oz)

Active ingredients:

  • Toxin Cratalus atrocis (Texas rattlesnake extract)
  • Toxin Naja naja (Indian cobra poison extract)
  • Methyl salicylate
  • Camphor
  • Menthol

Crotalgin® Forte cream is suitable for the treatment of rheumatic disorders, for easing or stopping pain of arthritic or sciatic origin, as well as pain due to a herniated disk. While this cream is not considered a drug, its efficacy has been demonstrated by experience and findings reported in medical literature. As compared to the product group’s other member, Crotalgin® Forte (forte = strong) contains not only more, but also a higher amount of active ingredients. It is thanks to these ingredients that make this cream suitable for locally treating strong locomotor pain. Suitable for pain relief against discomfort during movement arising from inflammation of the joints, arthritis, sciatica, or herniated disk. The cream’s localized hyperemic effect makes it suitable for use as a warm-up ointment by athletes or for the relief of pain from muscle sprain.

Recommended Application: The cream should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area and it's vicinity and then evenly spread and rubbed into the skin. Depending on the intensity of the pain, the treatment may be repeated 2-4 times a day.
For highly intensive pain, a packing with the cream is recommended. For chronic pain, a therapeutic regimen may be indicated. Athletes may apply the cream to a larger area to help muscles warm up.
For optimal effects, a longer period of time is necessary, therefore the treatment should be applied on a regular basis until the complaint has passed (may take several months).
May be used as a prophylactic to prevent recurrence of pain.

Important prior to application: If you suffer from diabetes or have peripheral circulatory failure due to other reasons, use caution when applying products to the limbs. Other products externally applied at the same time may exacerbate the effect.
Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must consult physician before use.

Caution: The product must not be applied in the presence of allergy to any of it's ingredients, nor on an open wound, burn, or epithelial injury. Those with kidney failure should also avoid use of this product. It’s application to the face is also counter-indicated. The cream must be kept away from the eyes and mucous membranes. Following application, wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. If cream orally enters body accidentally, it does not exert an effect, as the proteolytic enzymes of the toxin is broken down. Before use, carefully read the user's instructions!

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 28 July, 2008.
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